Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Double page spread analysis.

RockSound double page spread.

This interview with The Wild hearts is split in two. On one side of the page is a big picture of the band's lead singer, "Ginger". The colour scheme for these two pages is red, black, and white. Even the image of the lead singer has been edited to make it take on a red-ish look. The main focus is the lead singer, this is because it is mostly an interview with him, rather than his band mates. On the other side of the page is one big red block, this there is the whole interview, types in white text. Near the top of the second page, there is a white jagged text box with a quote form the interview in black text, that looks like someone has written it by hand. There are four text boxes across the double page spread, two in white, and two in red. The expression of "Ginger" is very serious, this is because it is a serious interview. The first three letters of the interview is in written font, which attracts the reader because it stands out from the other style of font that is followed throughout the interview. There are three types of font in this double page spread,  making it not too busy, but yet, not too simple at the time. Underneath the the band's name is the sub-heading "Positive Thinking", which gives he reader an idea of what he interview will be like. Some of this interview is quite formal, but other parts of it use slang, like "Oz", and "down under", for Australia, so it reaches all ages. There is talk of the bands tour, the band members, who plays what, and other big names like AC/DC, and INXS.

1 comment:

  1. Ok now need more than 1 example of double page spread analysis.
